Phone: (925) 687-9961

Clubhouse: (925) 825-0250


2021 Budget & Assessment Increase Information

2021 Budget & Assessment Increase Information

Effective January 1st, 2021, the CHOA monthly assessments have increased to $103.00 per month. The 2021 budget was approved during a four-hour open Board meeting on September 3rd, which all owners were encouraged to attend. The Board reviewed and discussed each and every line item of the draft budget and then received and considered feedback from homeowners in attendance. The purpose of that meeting was to work through the budget line by line in front of any interested homeowner, and to help demonstrate the Association’s true financial position as well as the impact of services provided by the Association related to the monthly assessments. You should be receiving a packet in the mail this month which provides a summary of the process for homeowners who were not in attendance. If you have questions about the 2021 budget, please read over the budget packet first as it is intended to answer many questions owners may have. If that packet does not answer your specific question, or if you have not received this packet, please contact the General Manager at or by phone at 925-687-9961.

Please click here for a PDF version of the first few pages of the 2021 Budget Packet, which contains a statement from the Board as well as the 2021 approved budget.