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Landscape Committee – Next Phase of South Slope Project

Landscape Committee – Next Phase of South Slope Project

September 12, 2017 – In the August Board of Directors meeting, the Board approved the next phase of improvements to the South Slope. The upcoming project is a continuation of the work that began based on a plan (the “South Slope Plan”) developed by a professional landscape designer commissioned by the board in
2013. Initial work in key areas with high visibility were completed in 2015. This budget year’s work will occur on the South Slope slightly south of the East Entrance work that was completed in 2015 and continue along South Larwin to River Ash Court.

This phase of the South Slope Plan will enhance the existing park-like woodland buffer along Ayers and Ygnacio Valley by additional forestation to provide a better visual screen between South Larwin and Ygnacio Valley. The Plan provides:

  • Reduction of turf along the top of the slope which will provide greater water conservation,
  • Installation of more efficient irrigation infrastructure to provide focused watering to reduce waste,
  • Elimination of unhealthy and ill-placed trees and shrubs to provide a healthier growing environment for newly planted bushes and trees.

The overarching Plan provides new or existing tree and dense shrub species to provide infills to existing bare areas with the goal of a better visual barrier and exhaust screen at the top of the slope to complement the existing natural drift and flow of the current landscape.

This Plan will ensure we continue to maintain and reinvest in our community so our next generation of homeowners have a healthy, long lasting, appealing South Slope.