Phone: (925) 687-9961

Clubhouse: (925) 825-0250


Upper Tennis Court Windscreen Replacement Scheduled for 2/4

Upper Tennis Court Windscreen Replacement Scheduled for 2/4

Hey CHOA tennis pros!

Just a heads up that on Thursday, February 4th we will have a vendor on site replacing all windscreens at the upper tennis courts, starting at 9am. The courts will be closed while this work is being completed. Please note that this is weather-dependent – if it’s pouring rain, the work will likely need to be postponed. We will keep everyone updated if there are any changes.

The lower courts will all remain open and available to use during this time.

Although there is a good chance that everything may be wrapped up by early afternoon, the courts will remain closed until all work is completed. We would recommend planning on the courts being closed for the entire day of 2/4.

We will have signs up at the entrances indicating that they are closed and the upper court fobs will be disabled during this time. As soon as the work is completed, we’ll remove the signs and re-open the courts and put an update out via e-Signal and the HOA website.

Thanks everybody for your understanding – we look forward to seeing you out there once the new windscreens are up!