Hi all, with spring arriving, we wanted to send out an update on the pool schedule for 2023!
Quick summary for those who want to cut to the chase (more detail below):
As of today, both side pool projects are fully complete and we are getting the east and west pools ready to open. We are scheduling the side pools to be fully heated and open starting Friday, April 7!
Unfortunately, we recently discovered that the Main Pool gas line ruptured and completely filled with water. We are not sure if this was a sudden rupture that happened over the winter, or a small, slow leak over the past few years that finally caused a total blockage.
We have been moving quickly to have this addressed, but it ultimately means we have to trench a new gas line from the meter at the end of the Clubhouse all the way down to the pump room below the pool deck, about 350’ linear feet.
The good news is we have already selected a vendor, our permits are approved, and trenching scheduled to start this Monday the 3rd. The vendor estimates the work itself will take about two weeks, and they hope to finish around Friday the 14th. The city might require some changes to the connections into the pump room, which could potentially cause some delays depending on what they are asking for. We won’t know what that looks like until the gas line is in and ready for inspection.
Because the main pool isn’t currently being heated, the Swim Team will begin their spring practices at the West Pool on Tuesday, April 11. WCST practices will take place on weekdays from 3pm to 8pm. The West Pool will not be available to swim during WCST practices, but the East Pool will be open and available.
When we have a confirmed opening date for the Main Pool, we will be sure to let everybody know. We don’t expect this particular project to take too long (unlike another project that shall not be named), so hopefully we’ll have all three pools open and heated in no time!
For those interested, here’s a quick map of the new gas line location: