Phone: (925) 687-9961

Clubhouse: (925) 825-0250


HOA Keys

Keys for Homeowners

CHOA residents will need two keys to access the common area facilities:

  • A key fob for the pools, tennis courts, and pickleball courts
  • A standard key for the dog park

By default, homeowners will be provided two key fobs and one dog park key at no cost. If lost or misplaced, owners must pay for a replacement. Replacement key cost:

  • Key fob: $10
  • Dog park key: $25

When replacing a key fob, the key fob that was lost will be deactivated and removed from the system.

Additionally, owners may purchase a third key fob for $50.

If you are a new owner and were not provided keys from the previous owner, please reach out to the General Manager at the Business Office to arrange for pickup of your new CHOA keys. These will be provided at no cost.

Key fobs must be picked up in person. They cannot be mailed.

Keys for renters

Homeowners renting out their unit must provide their CHOA keys to the tenants for use. When you rent your home, you transfer the right of using the common areas to your tenant. Owners who are renting their house may not use the common area facilities; only their tenants can.

Owners renting their houses are strongly recommended to review CHOA’s rental policies here:

Owners are required to obtain approval from the Association prior to renting out their unit. Once approved, owners should fill out the Tenant Information & Key Deposit Form and turn it into the Business Office. This form will indicate what keys are needed. Again, homeowners are required to turn over their personal HOA keys to their tenants.

Key fobs for renters are $10 each, with a max of two. A third key fob may be purchased for $50.

Dog park keys require a $100 deposit via check that will be cashed. When the tenant moves out, they should return the key along with a Key Deposit Refund Request Form filled out and a refund check will be mailed to the forwarding address provided.

CHOA Key policy

The CHOA Board of Directors approved an updated Association Key Policy at their meeting on February 25th, 2021. This policy provides information regarding the number of keys owners may obtain, the cost of keys and replacement keys, and policies for tenants wishing to obtain keys if not provided by the owner.

Click here to read the full Association Key Policy.