Phone: (925) 687-9961

Clubhouse: (925) 825-0250


Bike Lane Clarification on Larwin Avenues

Bike Lane Clarification on Larwin Avenues

February 28, 2017 – At a meeting in 2016 with the city traffic engineer and police, we were told that the solid white lines on either side of North and South Larwin were “Fog Lanes”, meant to show vehicles the extent of the roadway in heavy fog. We just found out that, in September of 2016, these Fog Lanes were officially changed to Bike Lanes and are now on the Concord Bike Lanes map. As such, it is illegal for vehicles to cross over these bike lanes to avoid the traffic speed bumps. This is a good thing, as many people still, despite our pleadings, walk, jog and push their baby carriages in these lanes. We do not want anyone to be hit by a vehicle crossing the line in an attempt to avoid part of the bump. Please, if you are driving, do not cross these lines. And please consider using the sidewalks for all activities other than bicycling.