As you may be aware, there is currently a vacant CHOA Board seat. Per the CHOA Bylaws, the Board may make an appointment in an open meeting to fill a vacancy. At the January 27 meeting, the Board discussed and outlined procedures for how it would like to go about this. The process will generally follow how two Board appointments were made in December of 2019.
The vacant term is set to expire in September of this year, so anyone appointed to this seat would serve for several months and attend monthly meetings until the seat is up for re-election at the Annual Meeting this September. If appointed, there is no requirement to run or seek election in September.
Any homeowner interested in being appointed should email the General Manager at no later than end of day March 1, 2022, and confirm that you would like to be considered for being appointed to the Board.
The Board will then hold a special Open Meeting on or around March 15 in which candidates will be interviewed by the Board. Any homeowner is welcome and encouraged to attend and listen to these interviews with prospective Board members. Following these interviews, the Board may discuss if it would like to make an appointment at that meeting, or wait to finalize a decision at the regular March Board meeting.
The CHOA community wouldn’t be what it is today without homeowners volunteering their free time to join the Board and committees. Being a Board member requires, at minimum, attendance of monthly Board meetings and reviewing of emails and information sent by the General Manager a few times a week. Most, if not all, Board decisions happen during these monthly meetings. The time commitment required of Board members depends on how much you want to put into it, but a reasonable expectation is that you are able to attend our monthly Board meetings and check your Board email a few times a week to stay up-to-date. We understand that Board members are volunteers having and already have jobs and personal lives! In a nutshell, you can be as involved as you want to be, but so long as you can attend the meetings and check your email, you shouldn’t have a problem being a successful part of the HOA Board!
If you have any questions or would like to talk to a current Board member about joining, please do not hesitate to reach out to the Business Office!