In last month’s Signal, we wrote about an upcoming concrete repair project that was scheduled to start in mid-September. The work will begin on Monday, September 12th and is expected to complete around Friday September 23rd. This project is focusing on replacing either damaged or slick concrete throughout the central greenbelt area. There are many sections of concrete, especially in the central greenbelt, which were either improperly finished, or where the finish has eroded away, and the surface has become slick when wet.
This project will have us removing and replacing more than 8,000 square feet of concrete in the central greenbelt, from Corkwood Ct to Marsh Elder Ct. The affected areas have been marked out and the vendor will begin staging and removal on Monday. Pouring of new concrete will start the day following, on Tuesday the 13th.
Since a large area of walkways will be impacted, residents will need to exercise caution when walking through the central greenbelt. We will have signs up indicating the direction that thru-traffic will need to walk. All facilities will remain open and residents will still be able to walk from one side of the community to the other, but you will need to take an alternate route that cuts through some of the grass to get there. We will have all of these temporary walkways and routes marked out on the grass, with signage pointing you in the right direction. We have also included a map in this Signal that will indicate the proper flow of traffic during construction.
Our goal is that this will have as little an impact on your day-to-day as possible, but there will be some walkways folks use daily that will be unavailable during construction. That being said, all facilities will be open and you will be able to walk through the greenbelt to get to them – it’ll just be a new path for the next two weeks.
The vendor will also need acess to the greenbelt from the cul-de-sacs in this area. They are putting up temporary no parking signs at the end of the cul-de-sacs for the duration of the project.
Once this project is complete, the Board will look into the possibility of a similar project on the east and west sides of the greenbelt, targeting slick and damaged concrete in those areas. The central greenbelt was the priority since it sees the most traffic and sported concrete most in need of replacement.
Please reach out the Business Office if you have any questions about this project!