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Clubhouse: (925) 825-0250


Dog Park + Main Pool Update

Dog Park + Main Pool Update
Dear Crossings Resident,
Contra Costa County recently released an updated health order that replaces the previous order dated June 2, 2020. This new, updated order permits dog parks and pools to reopen, however with several important stipulations.
The CHOA dog park will reopen today at 5pm, as permitted by the updated health order, with the following requirements:  
  • An individual must not enter a dog park if it is not possible at that time, within the park, to easily maintain at least six feet of separation from all other persons.
  • Face coverings must be worn at all times, except by persons to which an exception under the Face Covering Order applies
NOTE: The Association cannot at this time actively enforce the county’s social distancing and mask requirements at the dog parks, and ultimately is not the Association’s responsibility to do so. If you see residents violating these guidelines, you of course may remind the person of the requirement yourself if you are comfortable doing that.  Or, you can contact the police department. That being said, if there is an issue of continued non-compliance, the Association may be forced to close the dog park to limit any potential liability.
The new order permits pools to reopen, however it clearly states that at least one person, separate from a lifeguard, SHALL be on duty at all times to ensure that the social distancing protocol applicable to the facility and all limitations detailed in the new order are followed. As a result of this added staffing requirement, the HOA will need to make a change to the pool hours.  It also means that we cannot open the east or west pools at this time.
The current plan is for the MAIN POOL ONLY to be open starting tomorrow, June 6th from 1pm to 6pm daily. The east and west pools will remain closed until further notice.
Your CHOA Board of Directors have volunteered to act as the required social distancing monitors through the end of Monday, and in the meantime the HOA will be looking for volunteers or potentially hiring individuals to continue this service until the county’s restrictions are relaxed.
Because the county released this update with no notice, the pool heater is being turned on tomorrow morning, so the pool might still be a little chilly. We anticipate that it will take a few days to warm up to the optimum temperature. So if the pool is cold tomorrow, it’s because the heaters were off while the pool was closed to conserve energy, and they just got turned on this weekend!
Please let us know if you are interested in helping out and volunteering to be a social distancing monitor! If we get homeowner volunteers, it means the HOA does not have to spend extra funds hiring individuals to perform this job in order for the pool to open up.
Here are the current county requirements for pools, in addition to needing a full-time social distancing monitor:
  • Lap swimming must be limited to one swimmer per lane, except that members of the same household or living unit may occupy a single lane.
  • Use of shared swimming areas must be limited to no more than one swimmer per 300 square feet of shared pool space (10 swimmers in our main pool).
  • Except for members of the same household, swimmers shall remain at least six feet apart at all times
  • Locker rooms shall be closed to the public, except for use as a restroom.
  • All gatherings shall be prohibited outside the pool, such as on pool decks, except that members of a household may observe a child or other person swimming to ensure safety and supervision
If you have questions about the order, please reference the following documents:
Appendix C-1 (Outdoor Swimming Pools, item 10): Click Here
Appendix C-2 (Use of Dog Parks, item 3): Click Here
As always, please just do your best to practice social distancing and act with common sense and courtesy when using these facilities – we appreciate your understanding!
Bill Mazza | General Manager
Cowell Homeowners Association