Dear CHOA Residents,
We are very excited to announce that the Association is opening ALL THREE POOLS and EXTENDING the current pool hours starting this Saturday, June 13th!
Since the County recently updated its Shelter in Place Order to permit pools to reopen so long as certain conditions are met, the CHOA Board has been working diligently to formulate a plan that would maximize the use of the HOA’s pools in a way that is safe, sensible, and which protects residents and the Association. The Board has also been working with the Association’s legal counsel and the county Health Department to come up with a responsible, practical plan that would permit the HOA to open up all three pools, instead of just the main pool, given the current County requirements of a pool monitor. We are thrilled to confirm that the Board, with the help of counsel, was able to develop a plan of action that allows for the HOA to open ALL pools and extend the operating hours!
As a part of this plan, the Association has hired several part time pool social distancing monitors, which in turn allows the operating hours to be increased for all pools. CHOA pool monitors will be wearing orange vests and a nametag, and there will always be a monitor on duty while the pools are open, rotating between the East, West, and Main Pools. If a monitor observes a “violation”, he or she will point it out and ask for compliance. We urge everyone to treat these monitors with respect and to abide by their requests. The county’s social distancing requirements that these monitors need to enforce are strict, and failure to comply may result in the Association needing to close any pool deemed problematic to limit any potential liability. I’m sure everyone can understand that that job of telling people what they can and can’t do around the pool can be a challenging position, so we ask that everyone do their best to respectfully comply with the monitor’s requests while at the pool. Please welcome Jake, Kylie, and Catherine when you see them at the pools!
Please note that despite all three pools opening and the hours being extended, this is not “business as usual” – there are still very strict guidelines put in place by the County, including a limit on how many swimmers may be in the pool at once, and restrictions on gathering along the pool deck. Notices of the updated rules and restrictions will be placed at the entrance to each pool, as well as the HOA website. Please familiarize yourself with these requirements before entering. I know we probably sound like a broken record at this point, but if the County’s guidelines are not followed, the HOA might be required to close the pool and risk having our pool operating permits suspended by the County. We ask that everyone do their best to be as practical and reasonable as possible in this difficult time and comply with all County requirements and CHOA pool monitor directions.
Because we have multiple pool social distancing monitors, we are able to extend the operating hours for all three pools as of this Saturday:
Main, East, and West Pool Hours (starting 6/13)
We anticipate that this schedule will remain the same for the week following, starting Monday June 22, but please check the HOA’s website for confirmation. Please note that these hours are subject to change, and we will do our best to keep everyone updated.
Thank you to everyone for your patience and understanding while this was being worked on by your Board and General Manager. We are happy that the pool was able to open shortly after the County’s updated order, even for reduced hours, but are now very excited that all three pools can open and the operating hours extended!
We have created a page on the HOA website that provides the most current updates for all CHOA facilities. It can be accessed by clicking here:
CHOA COVID-19 Facility Updates
Because situations are changing rapidly, we wanted to put all of the CHOA up-to-date information in one place, to reduce any potential confusion. There will also be a link to this page on the Association website’s home page.
-CHOA Board of Directors and GM