On Thursday, February 6th, A-Plus Tree Care will be onsite removing a total of five mature eucalyptus trees from the greenbelt. This work was approved by the Board at their recent meeting on January 23rd.
These trees provided by our contracted arborist as optional, discretionary removals for the Board to consider as a means of “thinning the herd”. These five trees were selected not due to immediate health concerns, but rather because they were in dense planted areas and didn’t provide much value to the landscape.
We have over 100 mature eucalyptus trees throughout the Association, and these trees tend to cause an understandable degree of concern from homeowners who could be potentially impacted by falling limbs, branches, or – absolute worst-case – the whole darn tree coming down.
The Board approved a bid for removing these trees and also directed management to continue to obtain proposals for discretionary removals recommended by our arborist for a small number of eucalyptus trees whenever our twice-annual tree work is discussed. While the removal of a mature tree is rarely something to celebrate, the Board does want to move in the direction of slowly reducing the number of mature eucalyptus trees throughout the greenbelt and replacing them with heartier, safer, and more appropriate species (like oaks, as an example). Eucalyptus trees are also considered to be fire-hazardous by organizations like Fire Safe Marin, something that is likely on everyone’s mind after the recent Southern California fires.
If you have any questions about this work, please reach out to the Business Office. If you have comments or feedback about the eucalyptus trees here in general, please feel free to attend a future Board meeting and bring it up at the Homeowner Open Forum! We always welcome and encourage homeowners to attend HOA meetings, especially if you have feedback or comments for the Board.
Here is a map of the approximate location of these trees. There are four Blue Gum Eucalyptus being removed near Catalpa Ct and Sugarland Ct, and one Silver Dollar Gum Eucalyptus being removed near Weeping Spruce Ct. Tree tag numbers are 103, 105, 109, 110, and 281.