Phone: (925) 687-9961

Clubhouse: (925) 825-0250


Free Earthquake Preparedness Seminar – Sun., June 10

Free Earthquake Preparedness Seminar – Sun., June 10

June 4, 2018 – According to researchers, we are overdue for major earthquake in California, and the chances that we will be hit by a magnitude 6.5 quake or higher in the next 30 years are very high. The best way to prevent damage to your property and your life is to be prepared for the next big one, and we here in The Crossings are doing what we can to get our residents ready.

That is why Cowell Homeowners association along with our Safety & Security committee is proud to present out Earthquake Preparedness Event! We will be covering how to:

  • Shut off your gas & electricity
  • Protect your home
  • Use a fire extinguisher
  • Be a part of the Community Action Plan
  • And much more

The event will be held in the Crossings Clubhouse on Sunday June 10th, from 2 – 3:30 pm. Residents can RSVP at: