July 4, 2018 – CHOA is conducting a quick survey to analyze some of our community’s needs, desires, and opinions. The Board needs your feedback to make sure everyone continues to enjoy living in the Crossings and to entertain some possible ideas for the future. This is a great opportunity to let us know what you think!
To accomplish this, the Board asks that each household complete the following survey (link below) by July 16. Results will be shared at the Town Hall on Sunday, August 19, 2 – 4 pm, at the Clubhouse.
All data and comments are confidential and will not be used for any other purpose other than understanding our community and its opinions. Please note that the results of this survey do not mean that the Board will eliminate or immediately change current actions and plans. The data collected will aid the Board when considering how to better serve the neighborhood which we love.
We appreciate your cooperation in helping us understand what is most important to you. If you have any questions or cannot access the survey online, please call the CHOA Business Office at 925-687-9961 or send an email to businessoffice@walnutcountry.com.