Phone: (925) 687-9961

Clubhouse: (925) 825-0250


Main Pool Update – Opening @ 2:30pm on 6/6

Main Pool Update – Opening @ 2:30pm on 6/6
Dear Crossings Resident,
The CHOA pool vendor was on site today to clean the pool and turn the heater on in preparation to get the main pool open today. During the course of this routine maintenance they were required to utilize some additional cleaning chemicals to get everything up to speed – but unfortunately we now need to wait a little bit longer than expected before the pool is usable. They estimated it should be ready by 2:30 this afternoon.
Because of this, the opening of the main pool today is delayed until 2:30 today, Saturday June 6th. We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your understanding.
And just another reminder – the county is requiring that the Association provide a full time social distancing monitor at any pool that it reopens – this is why the east and west pools are not being opened at this time. We are working diligently to figure out the logistics of this situation and fully understand that it is not ideal to open only one of the pools at a time. Unfortunately the county’s updated health order came with very little notice and the current setup was the quickest way we could at least open one of the pools to CHOA residents, given the strict guidelines imposed.
And we are still looking for volunteer social distancing monitors! Without volunteers we will need to look into hiring individuals to perform this task, which will take time to do. Please contact the Business Office if interested!
Thanks all, and stay safe out there!