Phone: (925) 687-9961

Clubhouse: (925) 825-0250


Old Pool Furniture Donation – Saturday 10/16

Old Pool Furniture Donation – Saturday 10/16

Now that the new pool furniture has been delivered to each pool, the Board will be allowing CHOA residents to take up to two older pieces of pool furniture home with them this Saturday! We have lots of the low-seated sand chairs, as well as some of the longer lounge-style chairs available for residents to choose from.

We are making the old pool furniture available for residents to take on Saturday, October 16th between 10am and 12pm at the Main Pool. Up to two pieces of furniture per residence may be taken. Pieces may not be reserved ahead of time.

All old pool furniture can be picked up at the back of the Main Pool by the lifeguard shack. Residents must be able to move the furniture off-site themselves without HOA assistance.

This event is first-come, first-served. The HOA will have an employee on site between this time to confirm that only CHOA residents are participating and that only two pieces are being taken during this window. Please have some proof of residency with you (like ID) if participating.

Any remaining furniture will be given away or donated to interested local non-profits. Please contact the General Manager if you have any questions!