Phone: (925) 687-9961

Clubhouse: (925) 825-0250


Updated Pool Scheduled Effective 10/26

Updated Pool Scheduled Effective 10/26

We are pleased to announce that the CHOA Board met last night and approved keeping the pools open into November! The pool hours will remain the same next week, but will be reduced starting November 2nd. All three pools will remain open during this time! Here is the full schedule:

  • Monday, October 26th to Sunday, November 1st: 7am to 8pm
  • November 2nd and on: 9am to 6pm

At this time, no definitive closing date has been confirmed, as the Board would like to keep the pools open so long as the warm weather continues and residents are able to enjoy the pools. Additional updates will be provided in November and a decision to close the pools will be made around that time.

Again, all three pools will remain open; the only change is that starting November 2nd, the pool hours will be reduced from 9am to 6pm.

As always, we will continue to keep everyone updated and will also post notices on the Association website at

If you have any questions, feel free to contact the Business Office at 925-687-9961 or by email at