Pesticides, Herbicides, & Gopher/Rodent Abatement
CHOA contracts with several licensed pest control operators who assist in keeping pests and weeds to a minimum throughout the community. Please note that herbicides (the products used for weed abatement) are considered a pesticide, which is why you will see that mentioned on this page.
The following vendors are onsite at least monthly for pest control and herbicide-related activity:
Mike McCall Landscape
Applies herbicides throughout the common areas for weed abatement/control as needed
Gingrich Horticulture
On site multiple times a month for gopher abatement
Clark Pest Control
On site once a month to apply pesticides around the exteriors of all common area buildings, as well as rodent abatement near the pools/outdoor facilities
Each vendor is fully licensed and complies with all applicable laws and requirements. As licensed pest control operators, these vendors are responsible to ensure that all products are applied as required by the Material Data Safety Sheets (MSDS).
What is being applied in the Common Areas?
The HOA landscapers typically utilize an herbicide called Ranger Pro for weed abatement. This substance that targets weeds in and around concrete walkways, cracks, roads, and areas with no surrounding landscaping.
Click here to download a copy of Ranger Pro’s Material Data Safety Sheet (MSDS).
Ranger Pro is not applied directly onto the turf or grass. It is used to control weeds growing in areas where there is no existing landscaping/plant material.
When Ranger Pro is being applied, the vendor will cone off the affected area until the material dries. Once dried – which takes a handful of minutes in warm weather – the area is reopened and safe for entry for humans and animals per current US government guidelines.
What is the herbicide application schedule?
We have broken the common area up into 8 sectors, and herbicide applications are performed by sector. Herbicides within a given sector are typically applied in and around concrete walkways, in areas where weeds are growing through cracks, hardscape such as stones or brick features, or in areas where there is little to no existing plant material.
Click here to download the Herbicide Application Sector Map
We are currently working with Mike McCall Landscape to create a new application map and schedule. It will be posted as soon as it is completed.
Facility Pesticide Applications
Clark Pest Control is on site once a month to apply pesticides around the exteriors of the Clubhouse and Business Office. Pesticides are applied around the Preschool exterior when the school is on break.
Clark applies Suspend PolyZone. Click here for the Material Data Safety Sheet (MSDS) for PolyZone.
Clark is on site the first week of every month for service.
Rodent Abatement
Clark Pest Control has placed several rodent bait stations throughout the common areas to reduce rodent activity by the pools and HOA buildings. Clark uses Terad3 Blox for rodent bait.
Click here for the Material Data Safety Sheet (MSDS) for Terad3 Blox.
All bait stations are tamper and weather resistant. They are also resistant to tampering from children and dogs. Bait is not accessible to anyone but a rodent crawling into the box, or a technician with a key to open the station.
Gopher Abatement
Gingrich Horticulture is on site at least once a month for gopher abatement services. This area is rampant with gopher activity, especially in the open turf areas and the North Slope by Pinon Ct. Depending on the amount of activity, the vendor may service more than once a month.
Gingrich Horticulture performs gopher abatement using two methods: bait and traps.
Gopher Bait
The vendor walks the property with a long probe, feeling and inspecting for gopher tunnels underground. When a tunnel is discovered, the probe releases a small piece of bait into the tunnel in the hopes that it’s consumed by the gopher.
The bait used by Gingrich is RCO Omega. Click here to view the Material Data Safety Sheet (MSDS) for RCO Omega Gopher Bait.
Please note that this bait is never applied or left above ground, and only delivered by the probe when a gopher tunnel is discovered. If uneaten, the bait will decompose in about 1-2 weeks. The bait is also not delivered near the end of gopher holes, so the bait should never be accessible to other animals like dogs, even if digging near the entry of a gopher hole.If an animal like a dog did come across a gopher that had taken the bait, the animal would need to eat the entire gopher to be affected by the gopher bait (which is usually not what animals like dogs will do in that situation). Per Gingrich, they have been in business for 20+ years and have not once had a single incident related to a dog getting into or being impacted by their gopher bait.
Gopher Traps
Sometimes, if bait is ineffective or cannot be easily placed within a tunnel, Gingrich will use a gopher trap. The traps are placed inside the tunnel itself, and buried at least 6 to 12 inches underground. Once placed, the tunnel is then sealed again by the technician and a small flag is placed in its location. The traps used are called Trapline Gophinators – click here for a picture.
Bait stations are never installed above ground, are always covered once installed, and a flag is always placed above where they were buried!